I bought a spiral ham last week on sale. It was about $15. We have enjoyed eating ham several different ways the past few days: first, ham slices served with baby red potatoes and broccoli, then as a
pasta bake cubed up with the leftover broccoli and potatoes and peas (to fill in for the rest of the broccoli) baked with alfredo sauce and cheese -- very good!, and yesterday, I decided to try this recipe:
The Best Bean and Ham Soup. And let me tell you, it really was the best I've had! I didn't have vegetable juice, so I just added more vegetable broth, but otherwise I made this as written. I didn't cook it as long as it says either, I guess, and it was great. Delicious! I froze 9 servings worth. With all the meals from the ham, I think I got about 20 meals from that ham, plus I chopped up the rest of it and froze it for future use. Most of the other ingredients I used for the dishes I already had on hand. Not bad for a $15 1/2 ham!
you had a break almost as long as ours!!